Otorhinolaryngologist; It is a branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases related to the ear, throat and nose, to a doctor specializing in otolaryngology; It is called otolaryngologist. It is very likely that if you have a problem or disease in the head and neck, you will go to a general practitioner in the first instance. After examining your condition and your tests, the general practitioner may eventually refer you to an ear specialist; The nose and throat will refer you so that you can be treated under the supervision of a fellowship and specialist.
Fortunately, in Iran, we have doctors with experience and know-how for ear, throat and nose diseases, and this issue has caused people from other countries to travel to Iran for the treatment of ear, throat and nose diseases. to use medical services inside Iran. Due to the low cost of treatment in Iran and professional medical services, sometimes we see that even from advanced European and American countries, patients have traveled to Iran for treatment.
شماره پشتیبان
سامانه ایران تراپی؛ یک سامانه جامع و منسجم در زمینه توریسم پزشکی می باشد. و دارای خدماتی مانند رزرواسیون پزشکان متخصصین، آزمایشگاه ها، بیمارستان ها، مراکز درمانی و همچنین مراکز اقامتی و گردشگری در سراسر ایران می باشد. گردشگران خارجی می توانند با تکیه به خدمات سامانه ایران تراپی بهترین خدمات درمانی و گردشگری را در ایران دریافت کنند.